Mags' Lists of...PART 1
"For People Who Make Mistakes" ...
The Most Fun You've Ever Had BY MAGS
Secrets of Life

Ten secrets of living a not so normal life...
Ten -- "To make a bad day worse, spend it wishing for the impossible."
Nine - "If you do the job badly enough, sometimes you don't get asked to do it again."
Eight - "If people could put rainbows in zoos, they'd do it."
Seven - "Oh, great altar of passive entertainment... Bestow upon me thy discordant images at such speed as to render linear thought impossible!"
Six -- "There's an inverse relationship between how good something is for you, and how much fun it is."
Five -- "There's no problem so awful that you can't add some guilt to it and make it even worse!"
Four -- "You know how people are. They only recognize greatness when some authority confirms it."
Three - "As far as I'm concerned, if something is so complicated that you can't explain it in 10 seconds, then it's probably not worth knowing anyway."
Two -- "The worst part is that I don't even have the fun of doing the things I'm getting blamed for."
One -- "I'd hate to have a kid like me." |